Failure is Always an Option » Philly Teacher

Failure is Always an Option » Philly Teacher.

Here is the comment that I left on this blog post:

I tried using Google Sites as a portfolio for my Digital Design students this year. I wanted to use WordPress but I also wanted them to use something that was connected to their google apps accounts through our school. When all was said and done the Google Sites were clunky, could not be personalized, and the color was off on every single .jpg that we uploaded. I told my students that I had made a poor choice. I gave them the option to continue to use the Google Site or to delete it and try to make a .pdf in indesign that could be uploaded to Issuu. I failed and I succeeded. Students need to know that it is ok to be wrong. As teachers shift into a position of “guide on the side,” we must be able to learn and reflect along side of our students. Thank you for sharing this experience!


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